Quantum Energy by Buddy Paul

Clean Energy Dream

Imagine a Clean Safe low-cost Electrical energy source for all generation to come, it is here now. Meet Quantum Energy (QE). Yes, it is powered by nuclear energy plus hydrogen. One of the most available elements in the world married with one of the rarest elements found on earth. How let’s define its real potential potency, by comparison to a 500 megawatt and cost of a conventional nuclear cost. The difference would be 1/100,000 of cost and energy production and 100,000 times output for relative size. So, you can see by design the safety in being small, if there was a mishap the repercussions would be negligible.  The benefit would be astronomical and with energy supply that was virtually free and had the benefit of cleaning the atmosphere by consuming CO2 from the atmosphere. Additional benefit of not polluting the water supply but transforming dirty water into New Water, without any contaminants. Having a small footprint frees up acers of land and supplies energy needs for all.


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